Why You Can’t Fire Yourself for Messing Up

Woman looking at camera as her ice cream fell on the road

We’ve been there, someone is “let-go”, laid-off, fired.ย  Maybe by a boss, perhaps by a friend.ย  Perhaps you have experienced it too.

Jarring, abrupt, rending perhaps and then each party moves on.

Perhaps you have gently let a graphic designer go or a fired a service provider by simply shifting to someone else.

There is one “firing” we can’t do however.ย  Fire ourselves.

No matter how much we would distance ourselves from a “mess-up” or an unfortunate feature, we can’t fire it to make it go away.ย  The feature is woven into our fabric as part of ourselves.

Denying it won’t make it go away either.

There comes a point in the mindfulness of what we are that we accept we have warts, imperfections, that we make mistakes.

Improving in those areas or simply learning to laugh at them are the journey of our next.

Firing them simply isn’t possible no matter how much we would want them to “go away permanently”.

Such is the real truth about the Science of Change.ย  We need to embrace that we are as we are AND embrace what we will become and merge those two together into a new possibility.

By Ron D. Carlson

My name is Ron D. Carlson but you can call me the Rocket Man and I am passionate about helping people who want to change. My goal is to help you reveal the truth of the inner spiritual urging you feel. Only then can you fully embrace your innate genius. I will help you to design a clear path forward that will guide you toward lasting success and inner fulfillment. Become YOUR Why Instead of Chasing a Mirage You Never Reach Ron D. Carlson - Destiny Mentor | Change Artist | Intuitive Advisor | Escaped Executive | The Rocket Man

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