Be-coming, Not a One-Time Job

Becoming - Not a One Time Job

You’ve likely seen the quote:

“Be the change you want to see in the world”.

While often attributed to Gandhi, there is no evidence he wrote it but that’s not the point.

If you want change in the world, it starts with you.ย  If you want a shift, a difference, changing how you yourself are inside brings that change into being.

You need to be the change to use the quote.

I like to say, you need to become the change because change is a process, not a one-time event.ย  Change is becoming.

Oh sure, there is cataclysmic change such a falling off of a cliff, but we’re talking about conscious, intentional personal change here, not an accident!

Deep and profound personal change takes time and many steps to bring the very essence of the new state throughout oneself.

There is the thrilling initial “break-out”, then there is the repitition to keep re-minding and rewiring that this break-out state is what I am becoming.

By Ron D. Carlson

My name is Ron D. Carlson but you can call me the Rocket Man and I am passionate about helping people who want to change. My goal is to help you reveal the truth of the inner spiritual urging you feel. Only then can you fully embrace your innate genius. I will help you to design a clear path forward that will guide you toward lasting success and inner fulfillment. Become YOUR Why Instead of Chasing a Mirage You Never Reach Ron D. Carlson - Destiny Mentor | Change Artist | Intuitive Advisor | Escaped Executive | The Rocket Man