But It’s Not a Simple Question! Questions Part 2

Asking the RIGHT Question

But it’s NOT a Simple Question!

Part 2 of our series on asking the RIGHT question

In “Should I Do THIS?”, I started a series on asking questions.  It turns out asking a question in the right way is very determining on the results received.

Last time, I wrote that asking a “Should I” question can be a killer because it directs the asker to grade themselves as to “right” or “wrong” in the answer.  Many questions don’t deserve being graded!

For simple questions, better to frame the inquiry, “Is this something simple I can do and get off of my mental plate quickly?”  If so, do it!

Types of Questions

Simple Questions

The first type of question is a simple question just like this.  The question can be resolved fairly quickly.  For example, for dinner, do I want Indian or Thai.  Inserting  “Should” as in “Should I have Indian or Thai” is a waste of emotional energy for the question simply needs a decision and then action. Done!

Complicated Questions

But, what if it’s NOT a simple question?  Sure, many questions may call for a complex series of steps to lead to resolution.  The key to wisely approaching resolving the question lies in asking:  “While this subject may be complicated, is there a set of linear steps that lead to a known outcome?

Let’s take the example whether or not I complete work on my tax return.  Filing ones taxes is certainly is not a simple!  But linear, I’d say “yes”.  Entering the required information will lead to a known, completed result, namely the tax return.

Asking “Do I like filing my taxes” doesn’t lead to any useful outcome as the tax return is simply required.  There is no point in expending emotions about the question!

The approach then for a complicated, linear question is to settle that a series of steps will need to be completed to reach the result.  This may take time but the result will not be improved by asking whether or not I “Should Do”or if I “Like Doing” the steps.

Another example is asking “Do I Like What I Have to do to Board the Airplane for my Trip?”. One could argue, this isn’t simple, perhaps not likeable but actually is linear with known steps:  Get to the airport, park the car, check-in, go through he security check, approach the correct departure gate, enter the plane.

While solving the question at hand may be tedious, when the steps and the outcome are both known, little is gained by wasting emotional energy on liking or disliking the process.  The steps are what they are.

Next time, we’ll look at complicated questions that aren’t linear – Life Questions

By Ron D. Carlson

My name is Ron D. Carlson but you can call me the Rocket Man and I am passionate about helping people who want to change. My goal is to help you reveal the truth of the inner spiritual urging you feel. Only then can you fully embrace your innate genius. I will help you to design a clear path forward that will guide you toward lasting success and inner fulfillment. Become YOUR Why Instead of Chasing a Mirage You Never Reach Ron D. Carlson - Destiny Mentor | Change Artist | Intuitive Advisor | Escaped Executive | The Rocket Man

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